
Nasal Obstruction

Nose is the normal respiratory organ of the human body and provides heating, humidifi…

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Sinus Infections

The air holes that are located in the bones around the nose are called sinuses (paran…

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Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Today, endoscopic Sinus Surgery (ESS) is one of the most applied surgeries that is pe…

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Balloon Sinuplasty

In recent years, especially as a consequence of the advances in the field of medical …

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Surgical Navigation?

Serious complications have started to be observed following the widespread usage of e…

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Treatment of Cerebrospinal Fistula

The fluid in the ventricles of the brain and spinal cord, as well as between the memb…

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Endoscopic Lacrimal Sac Surgery

Dacryocystorhinostomy is applied to the patients with obstructed lacrimal sac and duc…

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