Facial Plastic Surgery

Rejuvenation ofe Face and Neck with Ultherapy

Ultherapy technology is a treatment procedure intended for tightening and lifting the…

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Face Lifting with Threads

Correcting facial sagging by hanging with suturing systems without using major surgic…

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Neurotoxin Injections

The functioning of mimic muscles of our face leads to the formation of creases and wr…

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Filler Injections

One of the most important factors in making our face look old is the loss of volume o…

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Under-Eye Light Filler

Changes that occur in the course of time in the bony structures, where our eyes are l…

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Lip Fillers

The most preferred filling material for this application, which is performed to shape…

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Non-Surgical Nosejob

Rhinoplasty surgeries are among the most frequently performed aesthetic surgical inte…

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Aesthetic Chin Operations

Although the chin is an important part of an attractive face, aesthetic problems with…

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Aesthetic Ear Operations - Otoplasty

Surgeries performed to correct prominent ear deformity, which is one of the most comm…

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